Soooo, it turns out that Emily St. John Mandel has the capacity to scare the sh*t out of me.
Does she have an overactive imagination, a crystal ball that lets her look into the future or is she just generally pessimistic about the future of the human race?? I honestly could believe any or all three of the above!
If you have a phenomenal memory, you might recall I read 'Station Eleven' right before the Covid 19 pandemic erupted. That in itself twisted my brain into an undulating, anxious knot that I still haven't quite unraveled. 'Sea of Tranquility' spans a couple of timelines (past, present and future) but the future one (mentioning all the additional subsequent pandemics) has me reeling. Not to mention the whole idea that everything about our existence could really just be a simulation, or so the theory goes... How crazy would that be????
Those inexplicable moments ~ a glitch in programming??? Whatever your thoughts about the book, it can't be said it won't make you think. About the future (near & distant), colonization in space, pandemics, effects of climate change, life on the whole, etc., etc.
The book also reacquaints us with some of the characters we met in 'The Glass Hotel' but for the life of me, I'm not sure why?? There's enough material to contemplate between these covers, I can't spare the mental energy for them or the importance of their presence in two books. Am I overlooking something??
There's also the title. I have a strange compulsion to want to correlate book titles with stories. It takes me a hot second to do that here because at first it seems it might be alluding to a peacefulness or state of mind but the cover should have tipped me off (& I don't generally see those reading from a kindle, definite downside!) I finally got that it's a reference to the crater on the moon near to where the first astronauts landed and subsequently where Mandel has located the first moon colony. Ah ha.
There sure is a LOT packed into this smallish size novel...
It just occurred to me that Ms St John Mandel could possibly be one of those time travelers from the Time Institute ~ writing books and going rogue to warn us of our future??? If so, it's not particularly rosy and we're in for a tumultuous time.
I feel my brain twisting back up into a knot....