Okay, to start with, it's a book by Amor Towles ~ it's not going to be crap! We all know that. But this was definitely not the book I "thought" it was going to be. I mean the title is "The Lincoln Highway" so that leads one to believe the characters might be cruising along ON said highway. Ha. Not so. In actuality, the time spent on the Lincoln Highway could be condensed to perhaps ten minutes of reading. Honestly tho, whether we were going to be reading about a cross country trip on the Lincoln Highway, building the highway, planning it, whatever, it was a no brainer for me to download it. The author has just made a fan out of me in that way.
I've also come to expect Mr. Towles to write in the diamond style he had Abacus Abernathe describing (the author of Billy's big red book of heroes.) He always starts at one point then goes wide with his tangents and characters before narrowing back in (normally) to a startling, unexpected conclusion. Let's just say he went REALLY WIDE here. So many, many, MANY characters and POV's. Were they all really necessary?? What did we get out of Sally?? or Paster John?? or all of Duchesses childhood acquaintances?? Just to name a few... It's hard to even think of Emmet as the main character when all the other people we were introduced to along the way received equal time.
It might be best to settle back and read this book like you would drink a fine whiskey; unhurriedly, savoring every note (i.e. character) and with infinite patience to see where it leads. Definitely don't expect anything fast paced.
The ending was not as satisfying to me as I wanted or expected it to be. I almost felt the author had Emmet commit murder (knowing Duchess could not swim) which would be totally out of character for the young man we came to know. Did anyone else feel that way?? Wasn't it hard to remember he was only 18??
I'm perfectly certain I'll never remember all the people in the book but I will remember the Lincoln Highway, why it was built, that there's a lot of statues of Abraham Lincoln in strategic locations along the route, etc., etc. It was illuminating in that respect. Was that the purpose and everything else just filler??? or perhaps it was reinforcement that life's a journey and never goes as planned....