I dislike giving any book a one star rating. It's already making me cringe a little just seeing that single star sitting by itself at the top of my review.
But, I have to be honest or what's the point of writing one?? Maybe a one star rating shouldn't have a negative connotation but instead just mean "not my cup of tea??" I quite honestly didn't "get" the authors style. I can't figure out what the problem was either ~ am I not a sophisticated enough or intelligent enough reader to understand it?? Is your writing an "acquired taste" or could my imagination be deficient?? I don't know the answers to these questions?? There's 8 or 9 short stories within the covers and I only made it completely thru four. When I started the fifth, I threw up my hands (& perhaps even my kindle?!) in defeat. A truly rare occurrence for me.
The stories seemed very disjointed, it was difficult to figure out what was really happening. Discerning between what was real, what was imaginary, etc., escaped me. Ambiguity abounded ~ a quality I readily confess is not my strong suit. When we discussed it at book club I went so far as to say it might be best enjoyed under the influence ~ whether that be from alcohol or marijuana. Maybe I could have made more sense of it that way? Sorry Kelly Link. I tried. I really did!