It's been almost a year since I read the first book in this series and the second book was a better "trip" than the first one!!! No way was I going to let another year go by before I got to the final book so I've already downloaded it & I'm finishing this trilogy STAT!
The world of the ultra rich is fantastical & sublime. If you want a reality escape, what are you waiting for ~ jump in! Page after page of sumptuous, opulent living, phenomenal food, haute couture, jet-setting on a whim, every delicious detail of that life is contained herein. A surreal existence to the ordinary people of the world but carry me away Kevin Kwan!!
I was happy to find all my favorite characters were back ~ Rachel & Nick (of course!), Astrid & Peik Lin plus there's some additional new ones (like this series needed even more characters to keep track of!!!) I really liked Carlton and Colette. Colette kinda bombed out a bit in the end but is she really finished??? I get the feeling NOT! and "Puh leese" let Astrid find her stride in 'Rich People Problems' because I like her so much but she's been doing nothing but self-sabotaging her potential. Trying to make less of herself in the first book just to keep Michael from being insecure and then in this book letting him run rough shod all over her. ugh. Be the Queen you are girl!!
There are at least three storylines in 'China Rich Girlfriend' and I thought Kitty Pongs might not have been necessary?? She played a much bigger role than she did in 'Crazy Rich Asians' so now I'm wondering if her character is evolving into an even more central player for book three?? You can bet I'm gonna find out!
btw, the movie based off the first book was great ~ I can't wait for the sequel to hit the big screen too. It's sure to be every bit as good as the first one!