** spoiler alert ** Maybe I was in the mood for something a little crazy but I was sort of hoping Ursa really was from a galaxy far, far away. I suspected at the outset that the behavior she was exhibiting was probably a psychological reaction but I think it would have been a really interesting concept to think of her as an alien assuming the human form of this unusual little girl. Alas, it was not to be. What Ursa turned out to be was an ultra intelligent young girl who experienced extreme trauma. Darn. No poofing up into space after witnessing her fifth miracle. I was kinda looking forward to that sensational exit.
Ah well. Super easy read and another book with a strong tie to nature and science. If you enjoy the natural world, Jo's study of checking on bird nests and the tidbits about various birds & bird behavior might be of interest. There were all sorts of social topics covered too tho including depression, adultery, the foster care system, etc. I'm not sure I agree with the way the author addressed each of those & I certainly enjoyed some aspects of the book more than others. In the end, it's just going down as an "okay" read for me. Not terrible nor especially memorable. I don't know if that's because I wanted something different from it or it just caught me on an "off" moment.
Ah well. Super easy read and another book with a strong tie to nature and science. If you enjoy the natural world, Jo's study of checking on bird nests and the tidbits about various birds & bird behavior might be of interest. There were all sorts of social topics covered too tho including depression, adultery, the foster care system, etc. I'm not sure I agree with the way the author addressed each of those & I certainly enjoyed some aspects of the book more than others. In the end, it's just going down as an "okay" read for me. Not terrible nor especially memorable. I don't know if that's because I wanted something different from it or it just caught me on an "off" moment.
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