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« In memory of Butterball | Main | Dahlia 'Veronne's Obsidian' »

February 16, 2016


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Beth @ PlantPostings

No! I almost missed your message among the amazing photos. Say it ain't so! I know it's been a challenging stretch for you, but darn I don't want you to leave the blogosphere. :( I don't follow Instagram or Pinterest very regularly, so I hope we can stay in touch on Facebook? I will miss your posts terribly ... terribly. However, I do wish what's best for you.


Sometimes I think I'll give up blogging, but I do like being able to look back and see what I was up to in the garden at any given time. I'm not up to adding any more social media time, so I doubt I'll get into Instragram. Still, I feel like I'm "missing out", so maybe. I've tried to get into Twitter a bit, but it just doesn't suit me. I follow FB regularly, but even it's starting to bore me. For now, my blog will continue. We'll see how it goes in the future. Good luck!


I have always enjoyed your posts and pictures and will miss you a lot. Your family has had far more than its share of hardship these past few years so I can understand your heart no longer being in putting together blog posts.

I hope you do decide to return after an extended break or start an instagram account! (((hugs)))


Oh I'm so sad to know your beautiful blog is ending. I completely understand, but I am sorry to know it's over. Please let me know if you start something new.

Shady gardener

I will miss you, too! However, will you also post in Facebook??


It'll be a loss not to have your beautifully photographed blog to enjoy, but I'll look for your photos on Pinterest. Thanks for the beauty and gardening wisdom you've shared with us over the years. Best wishes to you.

Val Boergesson

I don't know your personally, but I found your blog once while googling around for amaryllis bulbs, as I also love growing them in the winter. I would just like to say I'm sorry to hear it sounds like you have had a tough year, and I hope things improve. I will miss this blog as you post some of the most beautiful photos I have every seen, and I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of seeing your garden over the years. Best of luck in the future.

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