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« Amaryllis 'Moon Scene' | Main | Amaryllis 'Caprice' »

January 14, 2016


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Beth @ PlantPostings

Interesting: I'm trying to figure out why re-calibrating a monitor would affect photo editing. Do you normally use the same settings in your editing program? It does seem like the shadows aren't as deep and rich in the last two photos, but shouldn't you be able to control that with your camera settings, and then with slight adjustments in the editing tool? Anyway, bravo, once again! You have such a way with capturing the stunning beauty of simple things, Kathleen. Ivory Russe is a cutie!


Hey, that beautiful amaryllis turned into a kitty!

Alice Golden

I knew I could come here for a boost on this cold winter day! Re the photos, I think they do look a tiny bit warmer and more pink, but still great. Calibration is tricky... I never know if I'm making an improvement or if it looks worse. I think the main point of calibrating is to make sure your prints match your monitor, so I don't worry about it too much unless I'm ordering prints.


Aw, your cat looks so adorable!

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