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December 12, 2015


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So happy I got to see all this beauty in person this week. Your home is always beautiful, but at Christmas it's absolutely stunning! You should have been an interior decorator for sure. Must share this blog on Facebook again!


Kathleen it's beautiful and so you with the elegant flair.

Beth @ PlantPostings

It's interesting that you say you're not as good with indoor photography, because you're one of the best indoor photographers I know. Beautiful Christmas tree! I finally got around to decorating today, and it really boosted my holiday spirit. Enjoy your snow! We'll be near 60 here tomorrow, but then highs in the 20s by next weekend. It would be nice to have a little snow for Christmas. :)


My goodness, it really does look Christmas-y there at your house, both inside and out! I believe I may be the only one out there who hasn't decorated a thing, but then again, I am still recovering from knee replacement surgery, so I'm cutting myself some slack. I think your photos are lovely, but I know exactly what you mean, I am a MUCH better photographer outdoors.


Kathleen girl !
You are a magician with such a flare for decoration .. it has a Victorian theme to me and so beautiful with every touch you have put to it. I love the mini plates with the 12 days theme!
I used to decorate a lot but now with just husband and I we hang a big wreath on the door and that is that .. haha.
You had so much patience to unstring all those lights and redo it .. amazing. It is a gorgeous tree and you should be very proud of it : )
I love seeing the forced bulbs there for a bit of real green too !
Hope you have a wonderful Xmas and a very Happy New Year !
Joy : )

Andrea G.

Loved seeing it (and you) in person! So elegant and just perfect!

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