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« Dahlias & Roses | Main | late, late, late emerging Monarch butterfly »

October 20, 2015


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Kathleen girl what can I say but BRAVA!
You did the right thing to help this monarch no doubt about it.
These precious little souls need all the help they can get and I would be doing the same things if I had them here!! and ? I believe that was your butterfly letting you know how much she appreciated your help another no doubt about it.
I was thrilled to read this story and see such beautiful pictures illustrating it.
Your hostessing is perfect for this time of year (where on earth do you buy dry ice? LOL)
I am bound to go out and do as much as i can today in the garden .. it went to 20 yesterday and it dropped to 0 last night so a good killing frost to be able to wrap roses and mulch as well. I have never heard of rabbit fever, wow .. and about the Monarch having to knit it's tiny tongue like that .. some new details I have learned from you girl!
Thank you!
Joy : )
Hope all is well there !


So happy all three Monarch's survived and are on their way to Mexico. Beautiful photos as always.

Looks like you did it up right for the book club - I am sure they absolutely loved it all.

Alice Golden

Once again... wondering why we have to live so far apart?! Love the photos and book club party! So much fun. Today I'm having a Halloween crafting party for my nieces and we are making goody boxes for the cousins who are away at college. Wish you could join us. :)


What a wonderful post Kathleen. From what I have read, monarchs can use all the help they can get! I love that she flew around your head repeatedly. I like to think she was saying thank you!


You needn't worry about the interference you gave to your butterfly. Trust me, many monarch enthusiasts do much, much more. Their vulnerability outdoors is why so many take them inside, so they can be safe. Please don't hesitate to try it next year. It's perfectly acceptable to do so, and actually safer than being outdoors. What a thrill, isn't it?

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