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« Monarch Caterpillars | Main | Monarch caterpillar metamorphosis »

September 17, 2015


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Beth @ PlantPostings

Yay! I'm glad you found at least one of them preparing to form the chrysalis. I brought three inside to raise in an aquarium, and then I found a few others outside, but chose to leave them there. It was great to watch them until they reached the fifth instar, but then when the outside ones wandered away to form the chrysalis, I couldn't find them. So, I'm glad I got to see it happen to some of them inside. I'm still seeing Monarchs, too, including one today that seemed to be frenetically looking for a place to wait out the approaching storms that are thundering through tonight! Love your Halloween decorations! I don't put mine out until October.


It is exciting, isn't it? Every time I found the cats outside in the past, I could never, ever find the chrysalis. It was discouraging. So when someone offered me a few cats to raise, I said a resounded YES, and loved every minute of it.

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