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« Dahlia 'Cafe au Lait' | Main | 2015 Vintage Wheelbarrow »

August 11, 2015


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Hi Kathleen!
You already know how much I like your photography, I told it many times before. And now, again, I say the same! The first three pictures took my breath away. I feel like I am right there, sitting at the table and looking at the lushness of your garden.There is something in the pictures, very subtle, that reminds me of my own garden.
Thank you for the pleasure!


Well of course you needed those gladiolas, they have that apricot color that you love so much! The best part of surprise lilies is not that they pop up out of nowhere, but that they have the most beautiful pink/blue coloring. It's especially noticeable if you catch them just as they open, but it quickly dissipates after a few hours. Mine are already past peak here, I just cut them all down.


Kathleen girl thank you so much for telling me about your camera and your suggestions, I really appreciate it!
It is picture quality I am looking at between my Nikon D3100 and this Rebel
I know that lenses make a huge difference (I have had another friend let me know about that too). I just have to make up my mind and sort this out ! haha
These pictures are stunning yet again .. your garden/plants are looking fabulous.
I so love the urns that you have found it sets the tone of your garden in such a romantic beautiful atmosphere .. so lovely!
One gorgeous post !
I quit Moonflowers a few years ago but I still crave that moment of seeing them ..the twisted bud is a fantastic shot .. breath taking !
Thanks again
Joy : )


Stunning photos as always! Your gardens look amazing. Your Lady Emma's are so far ahead of mine and I'm glad they are blooming so well for you. LOVE the Gladiola's -perfect color. Hope to get up there again before the season ends to see your beautiful home & gardens one last time before that season we dread comes.

Beth @ PlantPostings

Actually, you were quite busy--taking incredible photos at fascinating angles, too! I'm glad you did and that you shared them with us. It is hard to simply sit and take it all in, isn't it? I think I might try to do that tomorrow. Our days have been too hot (and humid) lately to work or even sit outside during the heat of the day. But the mornings are magical. Before we know it, we won't want to go outside at all! My Surprise Lilies have started blooming, too--about two weeks earlier than the usually do. Darn. But they are lovely!

Dora Candler

Hi Kathleen, Your little hide-a-way to sit and enjoy your snacks really turned out beautiful. You can always find a way to make it beautiful.

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