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« Dahlia 'John F. Bloomquist' | Main | Dahlia 'Big Brother' »

July 30, 2015


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Once again I come to your blog to be blown away by your awesome photos! It was such a treat to see many of these plants when I was up there recently. The lily is absolutely amazing!

So happy you found those perfect linens - it was meant to be. Thanks for making me smile this afternoon.


Well, I'm looking forward to the blooming of MY Cafe Au Lait dahlia, very pretty. It was a gift from a friend, and I didn't know they were hard to come by. I'm sure glad I have one!

Alice Golden

Stopping by your blog always makes me feel like I've had a mini vacation - your garden looks beautiful! That Crazytunia?! wow... pinned it to remember it for next year.

We are finally tackling some long overdue landscaping projects. Stephen's grad party is a week from today so there is lots of incentive to finish! Hope you are doing well, my friend. xo


Hello Kathleen girl !
You have some beautiful blooms going on here .. and that chicken looks scrumptious!
Can you drop by some time and let me know what type/brand camera you use and lens ? Your pictures are always so pretty and I am trying to find my way between the Nikon I have used for years and this new Canon that I am not in love with the EOS Reble Sl1
Thanks !
Joy : )

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