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« Itoh Peony 'Canary Brilliants' | Main | Fuchsia 'Hidcote Beauty' »

June 11, 2015


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Ohhhhhhhhhh - I am so happy you splurged on that gorgeous urn and I can't wait to see it! Since the bunnies are destroying your gardens, it's wonderful that you have so many wonderful containers to plant. Love the Peonies in the Trader Joe box too - you are so creative. Beautiful roses and begonias. And that card!!!!!! So happy to see another great blog post. Can't wait for Saturday! Maybe another blog about the tour????

Beth @ PlantPostings

I love that Rose! And the Peonies! I did the same thing this afternoon--picked the Peonies since we're having tons of rain right now and they'd be demolished by the morning. Gosh, they smell great, don't they?! I like your urn, too. I'm sure you'll do some wonderful creative things with it!


Kathleen girl ... I am so sorry for your loss.
I haven`t been by in a while ..I didn`t know.
This urn is exquisite! .. I don`t hink you will ever have buyer`s remorse it is too beautiful to feel that way about it.
It does look like a dog`s head as the èars`more than horse .. but what ever it is, it is gorgeous!
I won`t get tired of seeing it ..
Take care
Joy : )

Karen (Horst)

Hi Kathleen! The urn is so unique; and I really like the peonies in the Traders Joe box. I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and praying for you. It would be so enjoyable to sit in your lovely garden and chat!


We're having a rainy June too, and I know I'll appreciate it when summer gets dry and hot like it always does. But right now I'm feeling a little saturated! I'd like a cool, clear day, just once. Your urn is quite lovely, but my first thought was that the shipping costs must have been high! So you take all the pictures you want, we'll gladly look .

Shelley Pierce

Good afternoon! I was wondering if you would be interested in a guest blogging opportunity with Gardening Know How? If so, please e-mail me for more details! Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon...


Thank you everyone for your comments. I'm glad you won't tire of seeing the urn.
Karen ~ I very much appreciated your comment. A chat in (any) garden would be lovely. Thanks for posting.

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