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« 'Apricot' Parrot Tulip | Main | Time to heal »

April 29, 2015


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Beth @ PlantPostings

Dear Kathleen: No one can know your personal loss, but please know that we care and pray for you and your family. Alcoholism is a rotten disease. Peace to you and yours.


Kathleen, I am so sorry my dear. What a heartbreaking loss for you and your family. I wish I could give you a comforting hug. Sending healing thoughts your way. xoxo

Karen (Horst) H.

Dear Kathleen, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I pray that God's grace and the fond memories of Tom will carry you and your family through this hard time.


My heart just breaks for you Kathleen - you did everything possible to help Thomas and he was so blessed to have you as his loving sister. It's a horrible loss and it will take you time to get over it - take all the time you need. And I am always here for you. Thomas is at peace and pain free now and hopefully that brings you some comfort. Love you my friend!

Nancy Anderson

I am so glad that Tom contacted me a year and a half ago. We had many long ( 3 hours sometimes!) conversations. He still called me Aunt Nancy and said that our conversations always made him feel better. My husband and I prayed for him regularly. I still see those beautiful eyes of his looking at me the first time I met him when you lived in Virginia. I'm glad that i got the opportunity to tell him I loved him. This was a beautiful post from you. thank you!


Oh Kathleen, what a sad, sad story. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your dear brother. May your memories console you.


I just stumbled onto your blog and this post. I am sorry for your loss. Five years ago my best friend-since childhood- lost her battle with alcohol in much the same way as your brother. I, too, was caught unaware much like you until a couple of years prior to her death. As you say my loss=her peace. Remember the good times and may you find your peace as well.

Jan Barron

Oh Kathleen, my heart ached for you as I read this post. What a beautiful person you are. I am so sorry for your loss. So tragic! Thinking of you as you work through your grief. As you said so eloquently. "He is bathed in Eternal Light and Love unencumbered by demons of this earthly world." Hope you can take comfort in that at this time! Hugs...


I can't possibly know what you feel and words fail at times like this. I can only wish you grace and strength for whatever you are feeling..grief seems to be personal and have its own timetable. sometimes there's not timetable, it's just forever. I hope those you love take care of you!

Dora Candler

Kathleen, I am so sorry to hear that your brother has passed. We can hold on to them only so far. He knew how much you loved him. I pray God will give you comfort.

Shady Gardener

Kathleen, What a very difficult situation and set of experiences you have had. I will pray for peace and comfort for you and all family members. May you feel God's love through the love of your family and friends.


I am crying for you and your loss right now. I am so so sorry. Addiction is a horrible thing and the treatments are woefully inadequate.


I'm so sorry. I truly feel for you. My father was an alcoholic but I think having a sibling die this way must be overwhelming.

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