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« Pelargonium 'Apple Blossom' | Main | antique hanging jardiniere »

January 11, 2015


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Beth @ PlantPostings

I like your vision! I'm working on a similar one, myself. Here's to a beautiful, less complicated 2015! Cheers!

Lona Stevens

I love the Yews in your garden. I have been trying to make my garden more maintenance free too. With so much going on and getting older I want to make it less work but even that takes time. :)


Some health issues here have forced me to concentrate on the low maintenance garden. Or should I say, low maintenance plants. See, that's the key in my mind. I plant those easy care lovelies, like grasses, sedums, coneflowers, zinnias and then just sit back and watch!


Kathleen, you are not alone! We travel often, and every time I need to find someone to water my garden. But, even without a travel, I think about making it easier to garden. Planting drought tolerant perennials and shrubs helps a lot. One blogger wrote about her large plant bed which she never ever waters! I want such plants!
I love your pictures!Evergreens certainly add a lot of interest to the garden!


I know the last couple of years made it so difficult for you to get out into your beautiful gardens. I have no doubt that you will come up with something just as beautiful that will be easier to maintain. And you certainly know where you can re-home your plants if you do decide to get rid of some - HA! I can help you this Spring if you need me to come up. I am also thinking of making some changes to make my gardens easier as I age....another wonderful blog Kathleen!


I have trying for years to get a lower maintenance garden. One of these days it will stick, I know it... lol

I am sure you will be able to do it. A garden that needs to be babied less is a great thing.

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