Talk about a late bloomer!
The first bud just started unfurling six days ago:
Lucky are we to even see it, at this late date in October.
I've never grown a yellow Brugmansia before, for years I kept an 'Ecuador Pink' but finally let it go two gardening seasons ago.
Not sure why I decided to try another?
They are so labor intensive in our climate. I have to lug them indoors and down to the basement to force a dormancy period on them if I want them to ever reach their full potential.
Maybe I caved because 'Charles Grimaldi' was supposed to be a fast growing cultivar ~ apparently possible to reach 10' in his first year!
We fell FAR short of that height but it could be partially my fault since I didn't have him ideally situated (full sun) for the first part of the summer. Then, poor guy, got hailed on (notice the tattered leaves in the photo above) which also set him back.
There he is on the left (that sun glare blob), perhaps three foot tall??
Soon I'll start him on his trek indoors as these fabulous warmer-than-normal days won't go on forever.
Above: North garden pathway
Above: Do you see what I see??? I *think* it's the Western Hognose snake from earlier this summer ~ soaking up some late October sun along the foundation of my house. This is directly left of my faucet & I almost stuck my hand on him when I reached down to turn on the water!!!
Something prettier ~ a fenceline of cosmos:
Taken Wednesday, along the road where I drive my dog to his groomer.
The owner of the property said she was worried they weren't going to bloom, they opened so late.
That was interesting to me because mine behaved the same way. I hope these will bloom awhile longer, they really are eyecatching along that stretch of highway.
Now back to my clean up, I'm finally getting some things put away.
About time, right??!!!
Hi Kathleen! Hasn't it been a wonderful, late Fall? (Here, too) and those late blooming cosmos are out-of-this-world! Years ago, when I first began blogging, Many people were growing brugmansia. All the flower close-ups looked wonderful, but I doubt that I will go that route. I already winter-over quite a few plants... However, one Never can say "Never!" If you gave me a little encouragement.... lol
Posted by: Shady Gardener | October 26, 2014 at 02:54 PM