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« Helianthus maximiliana | Main | Cosmos 'Apricot' »

October 06, 2014


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I love, love the string of apples and may have to try it myself. There are always apples lying on the ground at the dog park we visit.
The dahlias are beautiful. So far fall has been mild and we have yet to have a frost. I hope you are able to enjoy more blooms before the cold strikes.


What a great idea! I should tell my neighbor who is having to pick up apples every day. Your Dahlias are gorgeous! I haven't been able to find any Cafe au Lait tubers which is so disappointing!


I love the delicate coloring on 'Apple Blossom', and the apple garland is very nice! What do you do with your dahlias over the winter? My one attempt to dig and overwinter was a disaster.


Thanks Kathleen for the dahlia storage tutorial! You did leave a comment on the post with the dahlia, but the latest comment came up on the post before that. :)

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