refreshingly summer-like in the fall garden.
Have you ever seen cosmos this shade of yellow???
I sure hadn't. So light and dreamy.
'Yellow Garden' was ordered from Annie's Annuals when it was difficult for me to get out to the greenhouses. Besides the enchanting color, I was sold on the name ~ anything "lemon" and I'm always all in!
A late bloomer (I was beginning to worry), it didn't start flowering until the first part of September.
But OH MY, so completely and utterly worth the wait.
They are supposed to be true from seed so, of course, I'm collecting!!! :)
As far as other happenings, remember those apples pictured in my last post?? Over the weekend they were rather industriously turned into Apple Butter!!
I use the word "industrious" because I had to be just that ~ pretty labor intensive peeling and coring all those apples. Once the apples were prepared tho, the recipe was a cinch to follow. Click the link above if you'd like to give it a try.
The garden continues to be adorned for the season.
Pumpkins (of all sizes) popped into spaces wherever possible, including the vintage tool caddy.
What a switch, it looks so "smart" & festive this way, compared to it's normal, plain, utilitarian self.
Since I was on a roll (and there's no point in leaving something undecorated!) a birdhouse was collected from another part of the garden, set in the base of an empty hanging birdfeeder then tucked in with a few clipped hydrangea blooms and another mini pumpkin.
So simple yet instantly "Fall."
Finally, just today, a Painted Lady sighting!! The first one this year.
Flitting back and forth between the lantana & Buddleja.
Correct me if I'm wrong because I hope I spelled that right?? All these plant name changes confuse a hobbyist gardener. I don't know how recently the spelling was changed?? I just read something about it last week. In case you're in my shoes, the latin name (for the commonly know "Butterfly Bush") apparently should be spelled Buddleja with an "eja" instead of the old way ~ Buddleia, "eia."
Above: Buddleja 'Honeycomb'
Whatever. The butterflies love it. I love it. I doubt they care how we spell it!!
I'm just glad there are blooms left for them to enjoy.