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« Western Kingbirds | Main | photographing hummingbirds »

July 23, 2014


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Kathleen girl this post is stunning and I truly mean that.
You have captured amazing photos it could be your own mini series of wild life in the garden !
Do toads "sing" like frogs at all?
I would give anything to have that happen in my garden .. but the thing with the snake .. nope!
My heart couldn't take the drama of it feasting on baby toads and perhaps even that little bunny .. too sad for me even though i know it is nature.
This has got to be one of my most favorite posts I have ever seen.
Excellent from start to finish girl ... well done YOU !!!
Joy : )

Jan Barron

Love this! I want to live in your garden, without the snake of course! Gorgeous pictures, and your words really bring it to life!! Such talent...


Oh my gosh - how uplifting your blog was today - well except for the bunny story! Loved seeing all the wildlife that is thriving in your beautiful gardens. Excellent photos as always and great catch of the red dot on the hummingbirds neck! I so love that you are blogging again!


Your photos are so wonderful! I didn't realize that you were back to blogging regularly and had to look back through some of the posts I have missed.
Is it just me or does it seem like there are more butterflies this year than last year where there were so few? I actually managed to capture a Swallowtail the other day (although my shots aren't nearly as nice).
I have a baby bunny in the garden as well. I see him in the early evening near my violets (which they seem to love to eat).
Yesterday I saw I long dark tail disappearing into the underbrush in the back of the garden. I fear for my little bunny as well. Hopefully it was just the neighbour's cat.
Have a wonderful weekend Kathleen!

Beth @ PlantPostings

Great wildlife photos! Nature is so fascinating. I've had a big toad in my garden for many weeks, and then today I noticed a baby for the first time--so that's fun! I love having them there because they eat a lot of bad bugs. Plus, they're fun to watch. Great idea with the string of lights for the hummingbirds!


I sure enjoyed all the wildlife in your garden. I've seen bits of them all except snakes! I'm not terrified of snakes like many people are, so I'd love to see them here. I saw my favorite hummingbird out the window, so I settled in nearby with my camera. You guessed it, he promptly disappeared!

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