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« Hellebore 'Phoebe' & 'Kingston Cardinal' | Main | Bearded Iris 'Expose' »

June 12, 2014


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Jan Barron

So happy to see this update and that Janae is home again. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for strength for both of you as you continue on this journey, one step at a time! Your gardens are beautiful even with all you have been through! Your talents are endless!


Just hang in there and do what needs to be done. Like they say, one step at a time. I'm glad to hear your daughter is on her way to a full recovery. Get some rest and heal. Take care.

Beth @ PlantPostings

Oh Kathleen, I had no idea it was that bad. I'm so sorry, but glad to hear that she's recovering at home now. I hope you can find some time to relax or to get some help so you can relax. You need to heal, too. I will continue to pray for you and your daughter.


So wonderful to see a post from you again and the photos are stunning! Fingers crossed that this will end up being a great Summer in the garden for you - I have not given up on that. And we can go "hopping" as soon as you are able to.


My goodness, what a rough road you've all been through! May your garden now give you peace when you need it most. I was so excited to tell you that I found a Violet Tubeflower, and it just seems silly now. I'll think of you and your daughter when it blooms. May her healing be swift!

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