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« Spring Door Decoration | Main | Hellebore 'Phoebe' & 'Kingston Cardinal' »

April 11, 2014


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Thanks for the tips! The leaf loader and the kangaroo garden bag look especially handy! Hope your knee is healing well.


Great tips - I am so glad you found things to make it easier for you. I'm going to have to look into all of those products - especially the chainsaw!


I have really got to get one of those collapsible garden bags. That looks like just the thing for garden bed and leaf cleaning. Thanks for the tips. I like the leaf loader also. I use a tarp to rake my leaves onto. That leaf loader would take off like a kite where we live on the hill when the winds blow. LOL! It looks like just the thing for enclosed gardening. Take it easy on your getting back out into the garden.


I've loved my Kangaroo bag for years, but soon discovered the best way to use it is to put those brown lawn and leaf bag inside of them. It keeps them standing up, and allows to change them out as needed.

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