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« Lost: Beloved Persian | Main | 'Bowl of Beauty' Peony »

June 02, 2013


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Yes, good luck! How can your kitty resist returning to your amazing garden ... and to you?! 'Pat Austin' and that peach Foxglove are heavenly. (Can you tell I LOVE shades of peach and apricot?) This is the first year I've successfully introduced Foxglove into my garden. When do you recommend deadheading the tall flowers--when each one is totally done flowering, or before the flower seeds to the top?


thanks for visiting my blog....I love your amaryllis collection...I would love to have the exotica......where ahould I buy the bulb??

sharon love the dutch growers and these look awesome dont they??? have you seen an elvas?


You are getting some lovely blooms now. I love your Clematis such a wonderful color. That Pat Austin rose is gorgeous Kathleen.Beautiful shots as always.
I am sorry to hear the kitty is not home yet.
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Hi Kathleen, A week or so ago I thought that I lost our oldest dog. I had gone out into the vacant lot behind the house to add to my compost pile and wasn't paying attention to who was following me outside the fenced yard. Then I went in for lunch and was surprised to see only two dogs under foot. Where was Buddy? I started calling him. No Buddy! I went into the yard and called again. Still no Buddy. I started to panic. I drove around the neighbourhood calling his name like a lunatic. After driving around the whole area, I returned home alone and heartbroken. Who did I find at the back door? Buddy! Where had he gone? Was he in the yard all the time and just sleeping too soundly to hear me call? I'll never know. I am just happy to have him home safe and sound. I hope you cat story has a happy ending too!


I'm so sorry to hear about your dear kitty, but oh those flowers! I too have peach foxgloves, and they truly are knockouts. May and June are the kinds months for gardeners, everything fresh and green and lovely!


Wow - your Pat Austin is fabulous! Mine has not bloomed yet, but I hope it does soon after seeing your gorgeous photo. Love the Clematis and the other flowers too! So sad about Regis, but still praying he makes his way home.

Only 4 more days until the Boulder Garden Tour and we will no doubt find some more amazing plants that we can't live without!

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