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January 13, 2013


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I am so sorry to hear of your loss Kathleen. It is so hard to lose those we love. I think it gets easier with time but in truth the loss is always with us. Take care and God Bless.


My thoughts are with you. I found writing about my grief when I lost my sister very helpful. Sometimes I turned off the comments as I couldnt deal with it but then I had lots of emails from people who found it helpful too.

Grief is tough, it creeps up on you and takes you unawares at the strangest of times. You just have to go with the flow and not expect too much. Remember the good times.


So sorry to hear this, Kathleen. I had been wondering about and missing your posts, and now I know the reason. We will always be here when you feel ready to return to posting. Hugs, thoughts, and prayers. Beth


Absolutely whatever it takes. I feel your grief.

Alice Golden

Oh Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. Don't push yourself... the last thing you need is any more stress or pressure. Wish we lived closer... I'd love to stop by with dinner for you and Janae. Sending hugs.


I'm so sorry Kathleen. I hope your garden this season will give you comfort. And thanks for the scrub recipes! I have a large container of coconut oil just waiting to be used for something.


I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. It's very hard to lose someone special.

I'm so sorry you've felt so sad. It's hard to deal with the loss of someone close. I'm glad to see you again on your lovely blog. Jan


So sorry for your loss Kathleen.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford

Whenever you are ready Kathleen, we will be here. So sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry to hear of your loss Kathleen! Ovarian cancer is a tough battle, that sadly, is not often won. I don't begrudge all the support for the fight against breast cancer gets, but I often wish there were more opportunities to donate to research on ovarian cancer. Take care Kathleen!

Shady Gardener

Hi, Kathleen. Losing special people in our lives is very, very hard . . To say the least.

You are one terrific person, and you will get through this. You have loving family and friends, and you have us -out here.

Know that your expressions of grief resonate with many others; myself included. Sometimes it's the slow letting go that gives way to a bit of grieving at a time.

I care. Please continue to blog. I'm making the effort myself. Sometimes it helps a lot.


So very sorry for your loss dear. I'm glad you could make your daughter's Christmas joyful and that you have found some relief from grief looking at beautiful photos. Hold those memories of good times with your aunt close. Hugs to you. gail


Hi Kathleen. I have been thinking about you girl and I hope you are getting along well. Prayers.

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