Opened the indoor 'bulb-blooming season' on Thanksgiving.
If the upcoming holidays are anywhere near as lovely, we'll be in for a treat.
Busy doing what many of you are also ~ packing up Thanksgiving
Above: Moss covered terracotta pumpkins in cloche.
Below: Berry filled urn & stone turkey.
and moving forward to Christmas...
btw, Lucky am I to have already received a Christmas present!
Isn't it gorgeous???
My dear friend, MaryBeth thought I might like to have it early so I could use it!! And I absolutely will!!!! Thank you so much ~ you know me well!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty dishes & birds, what's not to love???
Having had that first taste of gift opening, I feel the holidays are truly "on!" Not that I'm actually shopping or anything ~ it's too crazy for that!! But the decorating proceeds....
Edited to add: In case you're interested, my gift is from Temp-tations (Cardinal 2 qt Baker with Figural Lid)