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« Hosta 'sun power' | Main | heat zapped »

July 15, 2012


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Kathleen your gardens looks so lush a lovely. This weather has really kept me from the garden in the heat of day too. My poor garden is suffering so and needs rain badly. That Winchester Cathedral rose is just so beautiful. How amazing to have so many Orioles in your garden. I have tried luring some in but have failed so far.
Your pictures as usual are just gorgeous. Have a wonderful week.


The garden seems to have stood up well to the heat. I have seen more of my garden from behind glass this year but due to never ending rain but at least I havent got to water so I suppose there is a plus side. To be honest I think I would rather have rain than heat so feel for you struggling with it


Your bird photos out the window are fantastic! Your photography skills always amaze me, Kathleen. I never would have guessed some of the shots were taken through glass. This summer is tiring, isn't it? We finally got a nice, gentle soaking rain tonight--for 15 minutes. And we're supposed to have cooler weather tomorrow. Your turn next. :)

shady gardener

Hi Kathleen! I miss visiting you! Hope things are going well. Actually, despite your heat, your plants seem to be doing well.

Our weather is crazy-hot and very dry (again). Lots of watering going on - and I wonder how I can actually keep it up. It's only mid-July!!

All that aside, I gave you a "shout out" today! :-)


Lovely pictures of your roses, Monarda and the baby robin!!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford

Pink monarda!!! Love love love it!! That little oriole is sure cute. My pictures have come from inside a good bit of the time too....really hot.


Those monarda pics are just beautiful! Very nice on the baby birds, too.

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