I participated in the annual 'Rush for the Roses' event at a local greenhouse yesterday (of course I bought another David Austin ~ it's mandatory, isn't it?!) but what struck me most was all the other buying going on. No one seemed focused only on roses ~ annuals, veggies, perennials, etc., were also being loaded up in garden carts. More like a normal May-weekend-buying-frenzy which is our usual 'safe' time to plant. I hope this wacky weather doesn't come back to bite us & frost all the tender plants that went home.
I said "us" because I was among those purchasing ~ besides the rose, another hibiscus,

Pink, of course!
and to feed my latest obsession (with standards) ~ a violet tubeflower standard!

Can't wait to plant it with something equally scrumptious around the base.

Maybe a yellow companion??
With planting on the brain, I stopped by Lowes to get some potting soil and was thrilled to find Hosta 'Frances Williams' for sale at the low price of $5.98! For you long time gardeners, I'm sure you remember when this was THE coveted hosta and you couldn't buy it for less than $20 something?!!

Goes to show, if you're patient enough, every gardener can afford those much desired plants. Of course by now, 'Frances" has been replaced by some newer, more-sought-after varieties but that's okay, I still find her highly attractive. :-)
I bet you know what I did today after reading about yesterday??
Yep ~ a bit of planting. Not everything, but the hostas, new rose and a couple other odds & ends. Plus I did a little rearranging in my beds (something I'm remarkably lax about but trying to change) I couldn't help it ~ it was a beautiful day and the supervision was supreme:

ha. (annoyed at having the camera pointed in his direction)
At eye level with the plants, I noticed "Jack-in-the Pulpit" ~ something I'd overlooked:

I added two of these last year, because the tag specified "nursery propagated" ~ making me feel better that they hadn't been dug from the wild. (important because of some reading I'd done on how collecting has almost eradicated some species from their native habitats.)
Not in jeopardy of that happening ~ Muscari ~ best viewed in my position, eye level:

Looking upward, for the first time ever in April, soon-to-be-blooms on Clematis 'Asao:'

That shows you just how warm we've been ~ I guess I'm not the only one who thinks it's feelin' like May?!?
P.S. Saw the first Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly today ~ the earliest sighting for them in this garden ~ also a "May" thing....