No, I haven't done an "about face," I'm still not a fan. BUT, in light of the fact we're finishing up the snowiest February since record keeping began, and more snow is forecasted this week (not to mention March is typically our snowiest month) I thought some slippery mind tricks were in order to get thru the remaining days of winter!
Here we go ~ let the trickery begin... (whatever works, right?)
1. Snow is good insulation. Okay, I can get on board with that. I have a few borderline hardy plants that will most likely survive the winter because of almost constant snow cover.
2. Snow is good moisture. Well, got me there too. But I've always been in the camp of rain is better and less destructive. Plus it doesn't turn dirty and icky looking afterwards. Having said that, the worries of having to hand water all the evergreens planted last summer hasn't been an issue with regular snowfalls. Props for that!
3. Inclement outdoor weather, forces the creative mind to turn to other pursuits. Like crafting:
Always more fun in winter (to me) than summer. Okay, this isn't so hard (or bad) right?
4. Snow and cold kill unwanted pests (or at least knock them back) in the garden. That's a very good point ~ I can't find an argument with something that beneficial.
5. The snowy months of winter make spring all the more appreciated. AMEN sistah.
No mind tricks required ~ I'm SO on board. So are the Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconites) who decided enough is enough and broke into bud anyway. *pretend you hear a 'hallelujah' chorus here*
Well now ~ there's five reasons and they were easier to come up with than I thought they would be. hmmmm. I think I'll let that "settle" for a spell and see if a reversal of thinking is in order. Could this bonafide summer girl actually have a change of heart about winter?? That's probably pushing it. But positive reinforcers don't ever hurt...