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« gardening on paper | Main | January bloom assortment »

January 21, 2012


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Janet, The Queen of Seaford

Very cute!! Think it is a great find. Not good with names today....


Very cute! How about Henny Penny? :)


Very cute! I love those special finds! She'll look so sweet in your garden!


Dear Kathleen, you made me look! I was so sure you had a new pet and I knew the coop would be beautiful! She's wonderful. I am bad at naming critters, but, know she will have a good one soon. gailxo

Jan (Thanks for today.)

Now that's the kind of chicken that I could get away with here:-) She's cute. I like Catherine's suggestion for a name!!

Lea's Menagerie

The name that came immediately to my mind was Penelope. Then when I scrolled down to the comments, I see that Catherine suggested Henny Penny. Name her Penelope and use Henny Penny as a nick-name!
I have a tin rooster in my garden, maybe I should look for a mate for him!


I use to read my children a book about a confused chicken named Minerva Louise. No matter what you name her, she's a keeper!


Hi Kathleen, You and I seem to like the same sorts of things. I love chickens, both real and decorative. I am not so good with names, but I see that you have a few nice suggestions already.


Makes a nice addition to your garden, Kathleen.

shady gardener

Cute, Kathleen! :-)


Thanks everyone for the name suggestions! I like 'Henny Penny' a lot so she just might be called that.

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