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« would it be too much to hope | Main | Amaryllis 'Prelude' »

December 06, 2011


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Hi Kathleen, It is a winter wonderland there, if your pictures are any indication! What lovely shots! Snow is beautiful if you don't have to drive anywhere in it. Last night we had our first dusting of snow which quickly melted. I am hoping for a white Christmas despite our mild weather.


Oh, I like your idea of chipping off winter time at the end (early spring)! Although I can't complain--our autumn here was the best I remember (next year it will probably swing the other way). But now the winter blues set in. Everything is gray here--I'd prefer your crystal clear snow-covered view. Beautiful shots!


Kathleen, it could be cold, but it is so wonderful! Everything is green here.
Stay warm and enjoy this beauty! Thank you!!!


I feel for you regarding the cold temperatures, but it sure looks a picture-perfect winter wonderland! Myself I'd like to have 2 weeks of hot and two weeks of cold and that's it.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford

You may lament about winter but your photos show the beauty of the season. Each photo is prettier than the last.


So many beautiful photos Kathleen - you make winter look very appealing! I love the light and composition in the image of the ice crystals encasing the yellow leaves.


Kathleen, Christmas card perfect! How scrumptious a view. Ours is brown! xxoogail

shady gardener

Really Beautiful Photos, Kathleen! I agree with Gail, perfect Christmas card material!!! Happy December! SG


Amen, sister! I was actually laughing out loud when I read, "prepare yourself for a long stretch of winter blues." ME TOO! We can commiserate, okay?

Yet, if it's any consolation, your photos are absolutely outstanding! It's funny, last week I was asked by a coworker to find and purchase some holiday cards. They needed to be generic so as to include all faiths. The one I settled on [there wasn't a lot of selection] had a drawing almost identical to your last photo--the pine and cone sprinkled with snow. I'm thinking you should market these photos for cards. They're that good. Seriously. This might help stave off the blues for a few minutes. :)

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