I certainly left you all "high & dry" didn't I?! Yikes ~ my apologies. Somehow it still hasn't slowed down then my Mom came for a visit. I had good intentions of posting before she arrived but as you know, that never happened. Temperatures were in the upper 80's for most of her visit so we were able to be in the garden a LOT (hardly having to pretend it was summer.) She was excited to see the changes in my back garden especially since I hadn't even started those when she visited this spring. On one of the afternoons during her visit, I spied what I thought was a newly emerged Monarch butterfly. I flew into the house to grab my camera but by the time I got back, the butterfly had totally disappeared. I began to wonder/doubt if it really was "new" but then today, look what I discovered a few feet below where the butterfly had been drying:
The empty chrysalis!!!! I can't believe I found it after the fact ~ I had searched & searched all around the milkweed in that bed when the caterpillars first disappeared. Then today, there it was ~ attached to the underside of the urn that sits in front of the birdhouse tuteur. Arggg. Next year, I'm going to have to search a LOT better as I would really love to follow the whole process.
One butterfly I didn't miss photographing was this Western Tiger Swallowtail sipping on Verbena bonariensis just today:
Since I last posted, I've also had another Amaryllis bloom. 'Aphrodite' was purchased on clearance after Christmas last year but didn't bloom then:
SO pretty but I have to admit, it seems more than a little strange to see an Amaryllis in bloom during "pumpkin" season.
Big & little orange globes have been scattered about the garden & I particularly like this one mixed with Fuchsia 'Autumnale:'
The foliage of 'Autumnale' is so impressive ~ it 'almost' makes the blooms inconsequential:
Don't you agree??? Anyone else growing this one?
My Mom & I also got into some dangerous shopping in the fairy garden section of one local greenhouse. Oh my. Look at two new additions that made the trip home with us:
I think I'm hopelessly addicted! And definitely excited to bring it all to life next spring. I want to go back for the blue crystals & place them under the bridge to create a pond. This is exactly the reason I never jumped into the fairy garden arena before ~ thanks again Dora!!!
Other blooms in the garden right now are Buddleia 'Honeycomb:'
'Sweet Autumn' Clematis:
and finally, buds on the Brugmansia.
I'm not sure why this plant waits until almost frost to produce blooms?? I hope a few make it to flower since it will soon be time to start hauling it (& all the other tender plants) to the basement. I can't believe how fast summer flies by each year. I also know I can't be the only one who wonders where September went?? It's gone so fast, I'm already counting down the days until next garden season!!