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« echinaceas by daybreak | Main | Sultry = oppressively hot, sweltering »

July 24, 2011


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Poor little robin. I would make sure he or she has plenty of food and water and that no predators in the form of four legged ones come around. Your clematis are superb.


Makes me sad to see that poor robin....I wish I knew of a place to take it! Wonder if you could call Wild Birds Unlimited to get some advice? I think there's one in Ft. Collins isn't there? And yes, your flowers are amazing as always.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford

Poor Robin, I hope he either heals quickly or it is over quickly....hate to see them suffer.
I do love your colors on the chairs. We are debating on some colors for chairs for down by the water. But as you said, it is too hot to sit out there this time of year.


Your garden looks like it's enjoying the heat, but I'm sure it would be hard to work in it. We don't see many butterflies around here, but even fewer with the cooler temps this year. I finally found my own C. texensis!
Poor Robin, I'm not sure I would do either, other than maybe make sure it could get to some food and water. Hope he makes it.


I am enamoured with the Clematis too, how beautiful. I've tried 'Ice Ballet' but it never bloomed for me because the Monarch cats loved it so much, far more than the other milkweeds for some reason. Poor robin, I would provide water and let nature take its course if you can't find a wildlife rehabber.


Poor little Robin! I hope he's doing OK now. I agree with the others that your garden appears to be doing just fine with the heat. It looks very inviting.


Oh the poor bird. I wish there was a facility nearby where you could take him. I guess just hope for the best. Maybe dig up some worms for him. I want 'Gravetye Beauty.' Your photo makes me drool. Your seating area photos look like they belong in a magazine. I hope you get a cool-down soon.


I can relate to your predictament Kathleen, it's too hot here as well. Early morning or after sunset is the best time to do any work in the garden. Love those sitting areas of yours, the colors are very bright & inviting. I've been eyeballing those new Butterfly Weeds, the colors are very pretty. :)


I am sure that a great many gardeners relate to your post this year... mosquitoes seem so much worse when it is really hot and "perspiring" weather... probably not a word is it?! at least in this context. The past few years I have resorted to spraying all two acres with a hose end mosquito treatment and it has been wonderful not having to deal with the critters. Once the dew point is above 70 with temps in the high 80's or more, we tend to let the gardens take care of themselves. Your seating areas look wonderful and your photos are excellent! Larry

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