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« Peony 'Bowl of Beauty' | Main | June in the garden »

June 07, 2011


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I have never been on a garden tour, can you believe that? I loved all of the photos here...those chairs in the last photo sure are inviting.


That looks like so much fun! I joined a perennial group here in hopes of making it to one of the tours, so far I haven't been able to. That peony is beautiful! Hope you get that Dogwood.


A lovely tour indeed. Your frustration with not capturing the whole shot is mine. It is so annoying and I think photos can never fully convey the feeling. Your vignettes do a good job though.


Your photo's are so lovely and the gardens beautiful.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford

I like garden tours a lot too. It is always fun to see what others have growing in your area. I love that color of Peony....really pretty.


Beautiful Kathleen. You captured the day perfectly! I am so glad that this will be an annual event for us - I'm already looking forward to next year. Let me know if you find a dogwood tree - so far I haven't, but I am not giving up. Live you, it's a must have for me after seeing how gorgeous they are!


The garden tour sounded wonderful. I love the campanulas spilling out of the wall. I love that peony too. What a beauty.

Ramona/The Garden Explorer

Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos of your garden tour. It's wonderful to gleen inspiration from other people's gardens. Garden exploring is one of my FAVORITE activities to do also, thus the name of my blog. Where was this garden tour? I would like to look up more information about it. I'll be going to one this Friday called Hidden Garden Tour. Please keep sharing your photos Kathleen.


Hi Kathleen, It looks like it was a great tour. I always try to drag my husband along on a number of the local tours. You are right. There is always at least one garden that is really inspiring.


You ask about the pink lily in my header picture. It is Elodie and its a beautiful double bloomed one.


Wow! you captured some charming and beautiful vignettes with that remarkable camera of yours (as usual). :)

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