I feel a little "rusty" navigating around my blog this morning. It hasn't been that long of an absence but I guess long enough? Last week was insanely busy for me and also crazy cold ~ giving me neither the time to blog or the inclination. I'm happy this week is an entirely different scenario, it also helps that we're experiencing another of our crazy temperatures swings ~ this time in the mild direction ~ 60's all week!! The snow evaporated almost overnight and the garden has a decidedly spring feel to it. I'm itching to get out there and do some spring clean up even though it's probably a smidge too early.
I did hook up my pond spouter and filter yesterday tho ~ that always makes it feel like spring. It feels and looks like spring indoors too thanks to the hyacinth bulbs I removed from the frig last week. I have them sitting on the kitchen windowsill (where I can smell them while I wash dishes), here's the purple one, which is the furthest along:
I've grabbed it off the sill several times in the last two days just to bury my nose in the blossoms.
That's the one thing missing from the Amaryllis bulbs that you know I adore ~ fragrance!
'Exotica,' sitting in another window, on her third bloom scape:
If they smelled as good as they looked, I'm absolutely positive they'd be the perfect bulb.
I am hoping to be around more this week and I'm sure there will be a lot popping up in the garden with a week of mild weather. It's going to be fun walking around looking for newly emerging bulbs!!!
P.S. Happy Valentine's day too!!
They're beautiful Kathleen and I just love the smell of them too. I had bought some last spring and kept them in the house for a while for the smell and then couldn't remember where I ended up planting them outside. LOL But I saw them in my breadbox on the deck the other day peeking up out of the soil.
Posted by: RainGardener | February 14, 2011 at 10:49 AM
Hi Kathleen, I agree, forced bulbs are the most welcome things in mid winter.
We are having some difficult weather too. A terrible snowstorm followed by overnight temps of 20-below zero. Like you, there has been a 180 degree turn around and it will be almost 50 by the end of the week. Lookout for the floods.
Posted by: Marna | February 14, 2011 at 02:28 PM
Winter has decided to return to us here, rain and windstorms and now the chance of snow this week. I can't wait for it to be in the 60's here. Have fun in your garden!
Posted by: Catherine | February 14, 2011 at 03:12 PM
Happy Valentines Day to you Kathleen! It's so nice you can enjoy the hyacinths inside.
Posted by: tina | February 14, 2011 at 08:02 PM
This blast of spring weather is so wonderful. I hope it doesn't get crazy cold again. I want spring!!!
Love that hyacinth.
Posted by: Janet | February 15, 2011 at 04:09 PM