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« Amaryllis 'Susan' | Main | forced hyacinths »

February 08, 2011


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What a cute bird! I haven't seen any woodpeckers here for awhile.
I hope it warms up there! It's been pretty mild here, hopefully we're done with snow, twice was enough for me.


Kathleen: I agree, the subzero stuff is the most difficult. Our highs will be in the single digits for two days, and then the 30s on the weekend. Love the photo of the Downy Woodpecker. Cheers!

Shady Gardener

Hi Kathleen, Things are no better here. But I'm going to continue to be patient, because it isn't supposed to be nice for another couple of months! ;-) Cute photo of the Downy.


Kathleen, I hope those snowdrops are there and blooming happily. Nobody deserves it more than you. :)


Your temps are so bitter cold, brrrrr. Love your little Downy Woodpecker. Have a photo of one myself that I will be posting this week.


Sending warm thoughts and hopes of a little more sunshine coming your way. We've warmed up to the 20's here. Brrrr.


Dear Kathleen, I do love Downy Woodpeckers. They are the cutest little birds and they appear if by magic on bitter cold days~I hope it warms up and you can find the snowdrops! (note to self~plant them next fall) gail


The Downey is adorable! With such bitter cold it'd be hard for anyone to think of gardening. We had a beautiful sunny day today but we'll be getting cold rain/sleet tomorrow.


Love the Downey Woodpecker, we get them here occasionally. Guess I should be looking for them more. I'm trying to leave a comment AGAIN. It keeps telling me I don't have the right oh what was it, braindead, can't remember what it said but wouldn't let me comment.
I'm so anxious for spring. I'm hoping to go outside today a bit if it warms up but not going out in this white frosty stuff. No way! Ok I'm a winter pansey and I know we aren't near as cold as other places but too cold for me. ;-(


Yay it worked! Just remember I DO come read your post - just can't always comment!!! ;-)


I find woodpeckers to be very shy. They don't hold still for long either. It is sunny but very cold here so I too am feeling the winter blahs.


Kathleen, you know we are in the same boat. Not one speck of outdoor gardening around here! Not too far off now, right? *sigh*


We are buried under the most snow I've ever seen in my life. I hope you see some snowdrops this weekend Kathleen. This winter has been so horrible that I am going to cry with joy when I see the first spring flower.


Kathleen, I feel your pain! We have experienced very cold weather over here in Utah, but good news! We will be getting a warming spell for a few days...mid to upper 40's for the highs! OOOH!

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