to 2010, that's what we're going to have. The unseasonably warm temperatures we've been enjoying this fall & winter have finally gone away, just in time for New Years. Today is the first day (in a long time) I've looked out the window and thought the birds looked cold:
The little goldfinch above fluffed himself up and was patiently waiting for an opening on the thistle feeder when I snapped his photo. You can also tell (from the white background) we've had a little snow. It actually seems strange after so long without it.
The cold, snow and wind will make it a good day to curl up indoors and start perusing the spring garden and seed catalogs that have been showing up.
I know it won't take me long to have a big wish list! Maybe 2011 is the year more of the grass will be excavated (to make way for new plants & seeds)???
Alas, it does not appear the paph orchid will be blooming (as I'd hoped) when the calendar rolls over to January. It's very slowly unfurling but I am doubting now that it can fully complete the process????
That's okay, it's well worth the wait as you can tell by the glimpses of color & markings its shyly revealing. What sometimes seems like an excruciatingly long build-up to bloom time, actually makes the flowers even more special/spectacular ~ at least that's what I tell myself when I get impatient!
Maybe Amaryllis 'Clown,' is a better bet to be blooming:
It has a day and a half (at least) to pull it off. I'm thinking these buds move at the right pace to accomplish that goal....
After all, we need a new bloom to ring in the New Year, don't we???