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August 05, 2010


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Anna Flowergardengirl

Kathleen I use to get that way when my kids were home. Now I look forward to every season because it truly is fun to be 52. I use to worry about turning that old.

No wait--autumn is my favorite season. You are one of my favorite people and so I wish you a happier mood and lots of creative days ahead.


Beautiful image of the Monarch butterfly on the coneflower.

And summer comes to slow and leaves too soon in my opinion!


I was just working on my post for tomorrow and saying the same things. In fact I haven't been into gardening much this summer. I'm hoping it's just an off year.
August 17th does seem really soon for school to be starting, although I do remember the kids finished awhile before the kids here did.
I hope you get all the assassin bugs so the butterflies stay safe. I'm glad you saw the Monarch too, what a pretty picture.


The end of summer, the shortening of the day and back to school is a melancholy time for a lot of us~It's raining and it smells like autumn....which adds to the feeling. Your pollinator photos are indeed spirit lifters~Thanks, gail

Wildlife Gardener

Wonderful photos of your Monarch and Swallowtail butterflies...stunning :)

Pollinators are so important and you are certainly doing your bit to encourage them to your garden :)


Sorry that you feeling a bit blue lately. Wow August 17th? Really? That is so early... School doesn't start back here until after Labor Day. Great shots, I haven't been lucky enough to get a pic of a Monarch this season.


Wonderful photos. I just google Jagged Ambush Bug, talk about ugly:) I'm not up on my 'bug' ID's. I do patrol the garden for spider webs because they occasionally catch a butterfly.

The more I think about the big growers using systemic insecticides, the more convinced I become that they must use them. They can't send insect damaged plants to retailers. Without chemicals, greenhouses and big operations would be a magnet for pests.


I understand the seasonal doldrums, but for me it comes in summer, which is brutally hot and long here. I look forward eagerly to fall, which begins for us in mid- to late October. That's when my spirits lift, as the fall gardening season begins anew.

Anyway, hang in there until things look up again. They always do.

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