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« Sweetheart Balloon Rally | Main | Amaryllis 'Elvas' ~ Summer Sensation »

August 29, 2010


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Oh Kathleen I can really understand how you feel since I've got a few that are slow too. Namely, Dahlias. Only 3 even sprouted and now there's a bud but it's going to be too late to bloom or at least to make it to Dinnerplate size. They made it to 'saucer' size last year and this year will be smaller.
But yours with all of your sunshine is really a mystery. Wonder what is going on? I know how disappointed you must be.


I just saw Leonotis for the first time this week at a nursery. What a cool flower, hope we get to see it bloom on your blog.
Your arbor and gate are so pretty! I think I remember you putting that arbor in last year or so. Even if the vine doesn't bloom it still looks really good. My Clematis on my arbor is all foliage too, guess I'll have to wait another year for flowers there.
Hope your weather holds out long enough for your plants to finish blooming.


I'm having the same problem with my passion vine, it's about to take over my garden, but not a bloom is sight!


I know Kathleen! What's up with so many plants not blooming this summer. My morning glory vine is beyond huge and I've only seen one flower. It is beautiful nonetheless, but it's disappointing to say the least. I'm already repotting things to bring into the sunroom. Today I dug up 4 hibiscus to put in a great container I got on clearance this morning at Lowes. I'm sure wishing I'd have bought more of those enormous bags of potting soil at Costco.

But your pictures are gorgeous as always and I love coming here to see what you post. Hope we can get together soon....


Hi Kathleen, My dahlias sure are taking their time this year and I've also got a Tibouchina in the slow lane. Weird, isn't it?
I think science has a long way to go in figuring out the mind of a plant.


Hope they all burst into full glory soon! :)

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