as far as capturing Swallowtail images. I finally had enough patience yesterday to sit still in the garden with my camera and wait for a Swallowtail to flutter by. Even tho I very nearly got antsy and missed out (I'm terrible at sitting still), something "willed" me to stay. A few minutes later, one Swallowtail floated in and absolutely gifted me with these incredible photo ops. First landing on the Zinnias:
then turning sideways for the "money" shot:
I think these are my favorite images because of the hot, vivid coloring the orange zinnia adds.
After sampling the zinnias, the Swallowtail moved to my new Buddleia 'Peakeep':
Wow. I'm so glad I sat a few minutes longer. I can't believe I even thought about getting up!
After nectaring on each and every buddleia bloom, a final stop was made on Lantana 'camara' (luscious citrus blend):
Then he/she was off, flying over the rooftop, to grace someone else's garden.
What is it about butterflies that make you feel so joyful and light-hearted? His visit was just the lift I needed. No need to ask whose the happy gardener now. These shots will sustain me if I get zero other opportunities this summer.
Sometimes it pays to sit still, doesn't it?? Now if I could only heed those words and do it more often....
Who knows what else I'm missing by hurrying and scurrying about??
Hi Kathleen. What great images of the Swallowtail. My garden is so full of butterflies right now. Makes all of that planting worth while. Have a wonderful weekend.
Posted by: Lona | August 06, 2010 at 02:25 PM
Beautiful images Kathleen! I never could take good pictures of butterflies.
Posted by: Tatyana | August 06, 2010 at 04:39 PM
Those are beautiful photos! I haven't seen as many in our yard this summer or maybe I'm not sitting still long enough to see them. :)Enjoyed your post.
Posted by: Amy/goawayimgardening! | August 06, 2010 at 05:31 PM
Gorgeous images of the swallowtail on the zinnia. What a beautiful butterfly and the color of the zinnia is so vivid!
Posted by: Kala | August 08, 2010 at 11:53 PM
Glad your patience won out this time Kathleen. Gorgeous shots, I've seen alot of these beauties in my garden this year. :)
Posted by: Racquel | August 09, 2010 at 07:50 PM