growing Asphodeline lutea (planted last spring) and look what I found last night!
Oh yeah. A bloom stalk. Does it get any more exciting?
Well, I'm sure it does ~ but you have to admit, a new plant and a new bloom is always invigorating. One of the common names for this perennial is King's Spear. Maybe you're familiar with it??
I've been so busy the last four or five days with the end of school, graduation parties, etc., that when I finally got back to touring the garden so much had changed. The foliage is really getting thick ~ here's a slice to show you what I mean:
The pond is between the burgundy 'Husker Red' foliage & the Camassia blooms (blurred in the background) ~ but you can't even tell it's there. In fact one of my neighbors stopped by when I was cleaning the pump filter and said he never even knew I had a pond! Wow, where has he been?? Maybe I tucked it away a bit too much??
Unlike the pond, Allium 'purple sensation' is very visible. The more Alliums I have, the more I want. They are addictive that way, don't you think?
It's easy to see why too. They hardly take up any space, bloom for a nice length of time and provide endless photography opportunities. Looking good from every angle even underneath!
sigh. so incredibly lovely.
Please stay tuned for more new blooms ~ I didn't have time to finish resizing & watermarking all my recent photos but I promise to be back soon.
Beautiful Kathleen. Your garden is soooooo full. Something I'm working on!
I've found watermarking doesn't matter to blog thieves. That broad is at it again stealing my whole blog. I reported her and they must have taken it off because the link doesn't work anymore BUT . . . now she has 2 more with ALL my posts. She used the photos with watermarks - she's not picky!
Posted by: RainGardener | May 25, 2010 at 11:11 AM
Asphodeline lutea, another I've never heard of. You must have a place nearby that specializes in the rare and unusual. Like a rare art dealer only plants instead of paintings.
I have a plant this year that I'm sure I first saw on your site. It's just a seedling and not growing very fast so I shouldn't even mention it until it gets some size and is ready to bloom:) My luck and it will be ready to bloom about the end of Oct.
Posted by: marnie | May 25, 2010 at 11:25 AM
Yes, I agree that Alliums are addictive. I know I'll be planting more since I had such good success.
I love when it gets nice and lush around the pond. It really looks great there. I'm looking forward to your Asphodeline since I'm not familiar with it.
Posted by: Catherine | May 25, 2010 at 12:24 PM
Very cool to have a new bloom on a new plant. Those alliums sure do shine!
Posted by: tina | May 25, 2010 at 12:48 PM
Lovely blooms, Kathleen! This is the first season that I have alliums. I don't have a purple variety, but now, after seeing yours, I want it!
Posted by: Tatyana | May 25, 2010 at 02:43 PM
No, never heard of King's Spear before. So I am looking forward to seeing it open!
I need to try Allium 'Purple Sensation', after seeing these pictures.
Posted by: Sweet Bay | May 25, 2010 at 07:34 PM
Gorgeous - I dream about having a garden like yours one day Kathleen.
Posted by: Kala | May 25, 2010 at 09:48 PM
Wow, your garden is filling in so nicely. Very lush & pretty right now. :)
Posted by: Racquel | May 26, 2010 at 05:10 AM
Everything looks so lush and beautiful this time of year. Things really DO change from day to day! Can't wait to see your new perennial when it opens fully.
Posted by: Nancy Bond | May 26, 2010 at 10:24 AM
I've not heard of Asphodeline lutea, but I'm glad to have! It's quite interesting looking. More is better when it comes to Purple Sensation~It's wonderful and compliments all the late spring blooming plants~gail
Posted by: Gail | May 26, 2010 at 06:34 PM