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« shades of yellow | Main | indoor blooms »

May 16, 2010


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I have assembled my annuals but have not scheme to mind - really not the right approach at all but hopefully something reasonable will emerge


Your combos are always smart. I love the Sweet Georgia Sweet Potato vines~I've the eggplant and a bronze. They look good with lantana. gail


I'm glad you got some sun - I love the blue & yellow combination in the bottom image.


Your containers are always so interesting & full of texture as well as color. I'm loving the Black & Blue Salvia one. That Sweet Potato vine will make a nice contrast to those deep blue blooms & the Fiber Optic grass is fun! :)

Sweet Bay

Beautiful combinations Kathleen! I haven't seen Fiber Optic Grass before, what a wonderful texture.

I remember your wheelbarrow from last year, it was gorgeous!


Your containers always look perfect. I would never have thought to put succulents in with the other plants. I bought a few plants for my big pot but can't find the perfect 'tall' something to balance the shorter plants and trailers.

Noelle / azplantlady

Hi Kathleen,

I am like you....I often use the same combinations in my containers because they work so well. I do wish I had a vintage wheelbarrow though :-)


Wonderful combinations Kathleen. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a Viking fan... ;)


You really have an artistic eye! I never would come up with those combinations on my own, but just love them!
I kind of copied one of your other containers with the dahlia and the grass. Then I added something else I copied from you, the licorice plant. Thanks for the inspiration!!


Blue and yellows are perfect together! I adore all your containers. I'm trying a few myself this year and hope they look as great as yours.


your flower combinations are wonderful...

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