It's raining again today ~ another 2.1" in the rain gauge overnight. We had a fortnight like this last April where we received almost 5" of rain. At the time, I thought it was an anomaly (we live in a fairly arid climate) but now it makes me wonder?? All I can think is at least it's not snow! That fortnight also set the precedent for a cool, wet summer ~ I sure hope we're not in for another one of those. I'm ready for some HEAT!
Anyway, because it's not fit for man nor beast outside, I finally sat still long enough to compile many of my currently blooming daffodils into a post. If you are ready, willing and interested, I'd love to share them with you.
In no particular order, (insert drumroll please) Narcissi 'Mount Hood:'
A large-cup all white variety. Takes your breath away, right?!! Just kidding ~ trying to entertain myself on this dreary, gray day.
Narcissi 'Las Vegas:' (wouldn't mind being there today)
'Las Vegas' comes to you with the extra bonus of a very small crab spider. Nice, huh?
Narcissi 'Derringer:'
I believe 'Derringer' is what you call a "split cup" variety?? Anyone want to back me up on that (or correct me?!!
Narcissi 'Bantam:'
'Bantam' falls in the large cupped category which is deceiving because as you can clearly see, it does not have a large cup. This category seems a bit "all inclusive" ~ containing ruffled cups, colorfully edged cups, trumpet-like cups or flat cups. Don't you think that pretty much covers the gamut??
Narcissi 'Beautiful Eyes' is one of my favorites:
I'm lucky to have a couple rather large clumps of these.
Narcissi 'Bravoure'
Another large cupped variety.
Narcissi 'King Alfred:' (the most well known daffodil that comes to mind)
and last but definitely not least, Narcissi 'Ice Follies:'
A few more have either already been featured ('Dreamlight,' 'Lemon Glow' and 'Goblet') or weren't photographed (like miniature variety 'Minnow').
When I was putting together my post it occurred to me that the pink cupped daffodils I found at Lowes last fall weren't included and even more alarming, have yet to be seen by the gardener. What happens to bulbs that just disappear? I'll have to check into that. (we do not have a squirrel problem here ~ too new of a neighborhood and too few trees). If I can't find them I think I'd like to add them to the list along with a double of some sort. Maybe 'Petit Four??' Or other worthy suggestions? I know I've seen some gorgeous daffs in blogland this spring!