on a cold winters day is most likely in the "greenhouse" (aka my master bath). Especially in the mornings ~ with a cup of coffee in hand, it's a great place to start the day. It's warm, it's bright and it holds a lot of plants ~ see what I'm talking about?
There's always something happening there (well, if you're a gardener or into plants). You might spot an amaryllis pushing up buds (this is 'Aphrodite'):
She held out on me for a long time and now is trying to push up three buds at once. What gives with that? If I had my "druthers" I'd choose for them to bloom one stalk at a time so the show is prolonged. No complaining tho ~ a bloom is a bloom is a bloom and I'll take them any which way but dead.
You're also likely to find a bloom (or two or three) on Hibiscus 'Powder Puff.' She has produced buds and blooms all winter ~ an unexpected but delightful surprise.
Of course I can't leave out the latest acquisition ~ Violet Tubeflowers were placed there after their recent purchase. They are so pretty I can't help myself for showing them off a bit more:
Isn't that a dazzling, dangling clump of purple? Trying to make a tongue twister there and failing...
I know I photographed them for you when I first brought them home but I didn't feel I did the flowers justice. These photos show better just why I was so excited. If you look again at the first photo, you can see the (tall) plant on the very left side of the picture.
Whoa. What a way to start the morning. Now you know where I am if you should need to find me...