or ending that way, however you prefer to view it. Either way, it's a nice note as 2009 was a somewhat challenging year in many aspects. Because it was, I plan to embrace 2010 with open arms when it arrives tonight. The gardener in me, says it's promising due to the array of buds & blooms currently gracing my home. They speak of beauty and happy days, of new life and anticipation also of success (by my definition which means victory merely by getting to the blooming stage). I would venture to say, there are perhaps more buds than I've ever had on a January 1st. Hopefully that bodes well for the New Year? The amaryllis are going crazy in the "greenhouse" ~ just look at them lined up ready to bloom:
That's another 'Elvas' bud in the foreground, with a second 'Razzle Dazzle' bud behind her and in the background, just opening, Amaryllis 'Fairy Tale.' 'Fairy Tale' is looking a lot like 'Razzle Dazzle' ~ maybe just a bit more refined???
When I was ordering bulbs, I had a fixation on red and white striping. It's very apparent now that they're all blooming! Also very nearly ready to open is the unknown "paph" orchid:
It's been a slow but fascinating process (as a newly inducted orchid owner) to watch the bud develop and evolve. Hibiscus 'Powder Puff' continues to delight me with blooms as well:
The blooms bring a bit of the tropics to our anything-but-warm climate. Lastly, there are the Paperwhites I posted about yesterday ~ they can hardly refrain from blooming much longer:
So many beauties. Even more I didn't picture ~ like the paph orchid 'Raisin Pie' I showed you earlier in December and Amaryllis 'Charisma,' 'Siren,' 'Green Goddess' and 'Exotica' who all continue their impressive show. If you judge a year by blooms, 2009 is finishing up with a bang. Judging by what's to come tho, I'd say 2010 is going to top it! Let's hope that's right. Happy New Year to you all.