features a whole line-up of containers, the most noteworthy of those being the "birdhouse" container. I know I showed it to you earlier in the season (and I've showed you "parts" or macro shots since) but I thought you might like to see it once more before the frost gets it?
It's the same as many of my other containers, pretty much devoid of impact. Next year I seriously have to plan better. Clematis 'Josephine' is in this container and I've decided I need to wrap some wire/netting around the post for her to climb on. Originally I stapled some of the vines onto the post & birdhouse but those vines all died. Another method needed to be adopted. 'Josephine' is starting over now and has one (almost open) bud on it. At this point, I've just let her run amuck among the rest of the foliage in the container. Other plants in the container include (1) Gardenia (back of the container), (1) Dahlia 'Bonne Esperance,' (1) sweet potato vine 'Blackie,' several Pink snapdragons & (2) White tuberoses (not currently in bloom). Here's a look at the entire line up staggered along my fence line:
That just looks like a big green mass, doesn't it? Let's take a look from a different angle:
Aaahh, that's better. Now you can see actual pots. From left to right, 'Black & Blue' Salvia container, 'Lemon Star' Thunbergia obelisk container, Veronicastrum container, Agapanthus 'Peter Pan' (in small pot), the featured "Birdhouse" Container, a 2nd Agapanthus 'Peter Pan' container and the "New Zealand Flax" container (shown individually in an earlier post). Next year I want to do something with this fence to make my back patio more private. I'm thinking of a stone/rock wall ~ maybe with a fireplace in the middle (that last part could be just wishful thinking)?? but that is a project to be pondered over the long winter months. Oh, one more photo before I close, the 'Lemon Star' thunbergia container just because my cute doggie is in it:
I've had this container planted similarly before and the thunbergia grew so full and thick you couldn't see the metal of the obelisk thru the foliage. As you can see, not so this year. Another "casualty" of our cool, wet summer.
PS A big thank you for all the encouragement about the blog. I will keep you posted about my decision. Maybe I just need to discipline myself and apply limits to computer time so that the rest of my life isn't getting derailed?