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October 02, 2009


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Hi Kathleen, you CAN do it! This is a beautiful and cheerful card, thanks for sharing it. As for the blogging, just do what you can. I always think winter is a great time to keep in touch with fellow bloggers and postings, not spending so much time in the garden. It is hard to do it all, so you need to do what you can and don't worry about any kind of pressure or deadlines. We'll be happy to see any post you write, whenever you write it. I know how you feel about your photos being used too. At least your name is on them. And I want to say that Josephine does way better with some netting to grow on, what a beauty she is. :-)


You can do it for sure. Keep the card handy and take it one day at a time...

Shady Gardener

What a cute card and cute post, Kathleen! Yes, perhaps I could do it... but YOU can do it a lot better! :-)

Tyra in Vaxholm

You can, you can Kathleen. Lovely cards and that is great things do during the soon up-coming loooong winter.

Have a great weekend/ Tyra

Alice Golden

Love the card Kathleen! I can totally relate to your feelings about blogging... but I have been so inspired by your photos... maybe to make it easier on yourself you could just post favorite photos and add words when you have more time? Hope everything is going well - love all your Halloween decorations... do you think having dead/dying flowers in hanging baskets around the porch qualifies as Halloween... they are pretty scary looking LOL :)


love it!


I could use a series of positive message cards for my office! Kathleen, If winter gets to be too much come visit us in Tennessee! gail


Wow perfect! It'd be even more wonderful if you can post paper rafting tutorial vids for us. Like the ones here I'd definitely hang out here more often!

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