many in my favorite color, (no secret what that is) pink. A pale, pale shade is brightening up the back corner shade bed on this beautiful delphinium:
Out in the sunny front terrace garden, my favorite poppy of all time is blooming ~ the pink peony poppy:
I love everything about them, the blooms the most, but even the unopened poppy heads:
are very attractive to me. The seed pods are great too, as you all know. I used to cut them for dried arrangements but now I leave every single one in hopes of a giant show the following year. I never get it. Only a few sprinkle themselves about but as long as they continue to keep a presence, I'll be happy. Also back in the corner shade bed, the thalictrum is almost over (this photo was taken a week ago):
It was magnificent this year ~ I think it really flourished in our wet, cool June weather. Here are a couple macros I also took a while ago. First the buds:
You almost have to look at them from an intimate distance to appreciate the tiny, airy blooms.
Otherwise they just look like a mass of pink fluff. A pretty mass of fluff tho:
I wish I remembered the full latin name but I've been hauling this plant around from garden to garden since 1996. The lone non-pink bloom I'm enjoying in this grouping is Eremurus 'Cleopatra' (foxtail lily) that I planted last fall:
Out of the three plants I received, only one lone bud stalk emerged and bloomed. Hopefully, next year I'll get a better showing. There's been a request for more long shots of my garden so I am going to try and accommodate that in the next few days. Today, I ran out of time to take any garden photos so you just get the compilation of blooms. I know you all know how that goes ~ thank goodness.