One week ago, the hyacinths were taken out of refrigeration. I thought it would be fun to watch their development with a photo progression. Too bad we can't put the photos on flashcards and flip them ~ that would be even more fun, wouldn't it? I'm sure you remember they started out with tight buds like this:
Practically the next day, the buds elongated and had more color.
They are looking decidedly "pink," aren't they?? That shouldn't surprise anybody (but me, who had forgotten what color I purchased). The next day, even more pink and the first flowers beginning to open:
I took most of the photos in the early morning sunlight of my east facing kitchen window. Maybe a bit much light? Day four or five (I can't rememer exactly which) and we're really getting somewhere. The first hint of fragrance is also in the air.
ooohhh, so pretty. This is why I force bulbs my friends. Such loveliness at eye (and nose) level. Who could resist? I took one bulb out of the window and photographed in different light. Check out how lighting changes the color:
Totally more "Barbie" pink then "peachy" pink now, right?? I wonder which you prefer??
It's time to take them out of the window anyway, to preserve the blooms as long as possible. When they open, I always wish I had refrigerated more. A whole line-up of colors and glasses would be stunning, wouldn't it?? Maybe something to think about for next spring? For now, I'll just be blissful in the beauty these two are providing. Anyone else have hyacinths to share??