apparently my cat and I have that in common, much to my chagrin. On the cats part, that is. As you all know I purchased a "mystery" orchid in September that was on clearance at Lowes:
It was my first attempt at growing orchids so I was beyond thrilled when it sent out a shoot a month or two later:
Over the next several weeks I watched that shoot grow longer and longer until it reached approximately 10" and started developing buds:
The buds were coming along nicely, fattening up for the beautiful display ahead:
when my sweet kitty (who knows he is loved because he still resides at this address even after such an egregious offense) developed a taste for Orchids as well. Notice what happened next:
Yes, that's exactly right. He ate the tip of the bloom shoot. Can anyone get me a valium?!! Just kidding. So NOT funny tho. I was beside myself for the better part of the day. Then I decided to let it go, what else could I do? The damage was done. Hopefully Orchids are forgiving plants. Meanwhile the two buds that remained untouched during the nibbling incident continued to develop and I continued to photograph their progress. Long story short, we have a happy ending:
The first bud has opened and the mystery is solved. We know what color it is, what it looks like, etc., etc., now. While I was secretly hoping it would be pink, I honestly can say I am thrilled it was happy enough with the conditions in my home that it decided to even grow and flower. Let's take one more look:
Simply stunning. We'll see what happens next. With kids and pets, you have to expect the unexpected, right? Moral of the story, at this point (and it took me a while to get here), I'm happy I was left with two buds so that I could at least see what I had purchased. I can live with that and I am thrilled at my one (with a second in waiting) exquisite blossom. All is well for now.
Footnote to the Cat: From here-on-out could you please confine your gastronomic explorations to the oat grass I plant specifically for you. Much obliged.
PS. You all knew what was going to happen before I finished my story, didn't you? When I mentioned "cat" & "orchid" in the opening lines, you knew....