After reading Gails (Clay and Limestone) blog about her fun planting day with fellow gardener Frances (Faire Garden), I penciled one of her new additions, Matrona Sedum, onto my gardening wish list. I thought I might look for one next spring never realizing one would practically drop into my hands so soon. I promise I did not go into Lowes looking for more plants. I did not. Really, my little garden is stuffed. but I can't go into that store and not go thru the greenhouse. I just don't think it can be done, I dare any of you to claim otherwise. So there. Especially when they have the aforementioned sedum at the fabulous clearance price of $4.44 (bees included). I've never had a sedum before so I didn't know bees were so fond of them either ~ that's a real bonus. Here's another look at the substantial size plant I purchased:
Pretty sweet deal, huh? I also picked up a 'Croftway Yellow' Cape Fuschia I'd looked and looked and looked at but didn't want to pay $9.00 for. A one gallon container now mine for the bargain price of $4.00:
Isn't it beautiful?? It's going into one of my containers that has developed a "hole." Let's skip hastily over that last four letter word and onto this no less exciting find:
Are you reading that tag??? Seriously?? I have never grown orchids; I look at them, admire them, lust after them, read about them and every other thing possible except purchase them. They are the one thing I'm terrified of having my green thumb go crazy brown on and they are usually way too expensive to risk experimenting with like that. But this, this is totally doable. If I kill it at $6.25 I will be sad, don't get me wrong, but I won't feel completely stomach-in-knots sick. I scanned the tag that was attached ~ I hope this is what I will be featuring as a post on my blog later this winter:
After I put my garden to bed, getting this little baby to rebloom will be my mission in the cold, snowy months ahead. Wish me luck!