Remember this post when I wrote about it being "my year in the garden" (because the foxtail lilies & oakleaf hydrangea had bloomed spectacularly for the first time?) Well, it's not over yet! I am now being treated to a display by the coveted clematis texensis. I planted it three years ago and after waiting anxiously for this moment, (I've felt like an expectant parent) it's finally decided to bloom! A week or so ago I spotted the first buds (above photo). Three days ago the buds had developed to this stage:
and finally this morning the buds are opening (very exquisitely I might add):
Woo hoo!!! I feel as exuberant about "this baby" as the late Steve Irwin felt about his crocodiles. But now I need to go back and refresh my memory on pruning, care, etc., as I don't want to lose it after arriving at the destination (especially since it's everything I expected/remembered it would be). It's planted at the base of an antique gate (I love the fleur de lis pattern on the top of the gate):
and here's a full view:
Texensis gets morning sun, afternoon shade and is protected from the wind (that elusive perfect combo, at least in my garden). I'll be keeping a close eye on it in the days to come ~ if it should become smothered in blossoms, (let's cross our fingers for that) I'll rephotograph and share the results with you! :-)